Dog meat restaurants in Bali

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Posted by Katnip on Tuesday, 12. March 2013 at 10:29 Bali Time:

Any RW signs in Bali stand for dog meat

RW (means a dog meat restaurant )

This information is directly from the Bali Animal Welfare Association BAWA

It is not illegal to sell dog meat in Bali

I am a meat eater and realise that for me to do this an animal mainly in my case a cow must be killed

The difference between cow meat and dog is simply that dogs were bred by us for pets to enrich our lives they are also trained as,guard dogs to protect us etc where as cows are bred by us for human consumption

The process of getting the dog meat is unethical and cruel it is a slow painful death that's torture

I for one would like to know if I am being served dog meat in Bali

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