What worked for me is....

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Posted by Ariom on Friday, 24. April 2009 at 14:16 Bali Time:

In Reply to: Bargaining - Simple Rule ? posted by chrissybau on Friday, 24. April 2009 at 13:40 Bali Time:

....to decide (in your head) what you want to pay. So, if for example you think an item is worth 70,000 rupiah, keep that in mind. The seller will suggest, eg 150,000 rupiah and you know you are happy to pay 70,000 so I would start at 30,000 rupiah. They will laugh of course, (that's okay, you can laugh at their suggestion of 150,000) and so you work your way up to 70,000 (unless they give in cheaper than that but this is totally unlikely). Once you get to 70,000, they will push you for more so then you decide to go up 75,000 or 80,000. If you dont want to go up then stop them around the 60,000 mark and say you dont want to pay more. They will say "just a bit more" and so up you go to 65,000 or 70,000.

Hey, this worked for me! But as someone pointed out, remember that 10,000 rupiah is about $1.20 or so...

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