Hi mumaharley dental work great

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Posted by ginny on Tuesday, 21. April 2009 at 13:44 Bali Time:

In Reply to: JBR posted by mamaharley on Monday, 20. April 2009 at 18:59 Bali Time:

Very pleased with dental work though with a chest cold that got worse each day, I was never sure whether the dentist would be able to finish what she started. Very pleased to meet you and to read you had a great time as we did. Didn't spend much money as Dentist didn't take visa credit card and I didn't realise till the Mon and we left Wed, that I had paid for all the dental work so mad rush on Tuesday to buy a few things. As I perspire like there's no tomorrow I hate trying on clothes so went to Ketut in Garlic Lane and tried on a saong type dress it looked ok so bought 3 more plus some sarongs ,thongs.handbags and necklaces Now I am home( took us 38hours what with planes, train and waiting for connections etc) and a lot cooler I wish I was back there to buy more things. A bit of a let down having to cook breakfast and make my bed. saving up for next year Keep well and many thanks for helping out with antibiotics

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