Hi Tina all you need now is the GPS

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Posted by DonRon on Friday, 10. April 2009 at 08:35 Bali Time:

In Reply to: JBR part 3, Mar21 - Apr5 2009 posted by Tina G on Monday, 6. April 2009 at 19:47 Bali Time:

I took the big step and started driving in Bali about 5 years ago.
Once you negotiate your first roundabout the wrong way and experience the swarm of bumblebees (scooters) around you you soon get into Bali Driving Mode. Road rules are quite easy in Bali....there are none....except for the size rule of course, Busses and trucks are number one then cars, then scooters the pedestrians. I would see Bali any other way now, and these past two trips we have had a Bali Navigator GPS and have now seen parts of Bali that many tourists would NEVER see.

Good on you Tina for making the big step you wont look back now.

Interested in making contact with the guy who rents only auto cars. Can you put me in touch as the wife would like to share driving duties and can only pilot an auto. I hired an auto in March but was very expensive compared to a manual.

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