JBR 6 Arak Attack!!

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Posted by Bondy on Wednesday, 26. July 2006 at 06:30 Bali Time:

Today it was back to Kuta

Coral was up before the sun got up, sitting on the verandah having a coffee, taking in the view for the last time. . We had packed and where ready to go back to Kuta, so after breakfast Coral and I left the two M's to pack while we went into town............ M&M free!

Whoo hoo we were off on our own...........we started at the bottom of Monkey Forest road and walked up the hill looking in every shop! We ended up at the markets, Coral buying two bongo drums that she had been bartering over since she saw them, the first day we came to the markets. I told her that I had taken one back to Aust. years ago and customs had cut the skins off.........but she loved them and decided to take the risk. As it turned out she got through with them. So my next trip at Xmas I will be getting a bongo drum!
After the markets it was back to Tegal sari for our transfers back to the Ida Hotel.

We arrived back in Kuta and met up with brother Gary. We sat and had a catch up on the gossip then we were off to Poppies 2.

Gary went ahead in a taxi with Mum and Margaret to the Bugus pub and we would follow, after I picked up my bags from Queen leather. What a great job! I was wrapped....no more pop rivets holding my bag together. My new bag is identical to the old one, I can't stop looking at it I am so pleased with it. Mum ended up taking my old bag home....'might come in handy one day' Coral left some trousers to be taken up and elastic put in the waist.

We took a cab over to meet up with the family. We arrived and Gary was sitting with a very frustrated look on his face.... Mum and Margaret were at it again! ha ha Margaret said she had given Mum 50,000rp and that Mum would not give it back to her.??? Mum said No! she didn't give me any money! I looked at Gary and said what happened.......he threw his hands in the air and said I didn't see anything!!! So we had no idea who had lost the plot......... Mum or Margaret! We decided it might be best to just ignore that one!

Coral and I decided to go across the road to get some DVD's. I had heard about a series called Dead Wood and Coral agreed that it is a must see. So we ended up buying season one from one shop and season two from the shop next door! We are addicted and have been watching it since I arrived home. Very good...but beware the language is shocking! We are up to the second season, and one of the DVD's is not working! Aaarrrrhhhh I hope the Video shops have it for hire!!!

We decided to walk home and I stopped at a shop that had men's wallets with Harley Davison stamped on them, I had paid 50,000rp for one the same last year so I decided to buy another one for my son. I had to barter a bit to get him down to the same price, but managed and was very happy with my purchase. Gary and I decided to let the girls have a browse in the shops and we stopped at the bar next door for a Fanta.
Coral came in saying she had just brought the same wallet as the one I just brought for 30,000rp from the same guy...........bloody smart alec! I said 'your joking!' .........she must be.... it took me ages, this year and last year to get it for 50,000rp! She said I will prove it to you by letting you buy it off me!..... Huh??....... She said 'I only brought it because I got it cheaper than you'....... Now what type of friend is that??? And she had the cheek to laugh with out having to go to the loo!!!

We got home and dressed ready to meet up with John and Wati for dinner. We met them at the seafood restaurant next to the Mini bar. Sorry can't remember the name. Wati was bringing a friend of hers, Mimin, she had introduced her to Gary while we were away. Mmmm could this be my new sister in law.

I had sweet and sour pork and chips........it was one of the worst meals I had in Bali. The batter and chips tasted like they had been fried in very old oil. As stupid as it might sound I didn't want to offend the staff by not eating my meal. I noticed there were a lot of cats hanging around so being an animal lover I decided to discreetly throw the battered pork under the table. Ha ha big mistake, we ended up with a cat fight under the table and about 50 cats all coming for food! The staff rushed over with sticks......... I was horrified thinking they were going to beat them, but they just banged the sticks on the floor to frighten them.

I had told Coral that the Mini bar out the front was a hookers bar so we decided to go and have a sticky beak at the girls. We went off to the toilets and then walked out onto the street and through the entrance of Mini bar. As we were walking through the Mini bar trying to look inconspicuous, Coral was so busy looking at all the girls she tripped over something on the floor and nearly fell over. Now it was my turn to laugh at her!

After the meal I was going to go home with Mum and Marg while the rest kicked on. Gary and Coral ragged me about being old and having no life in me....rah rah rah rah.....No I was going home with Mummy bear!
Gary hailed a cab for us and made sure the two M's were in the cab........I was just about to hop in when he closed the door and sent the cab on its way and left me standing there stunned!!!! Ohh what a mistake
I told Coral before we left Australia that we were NOT going to get on the grog because I didn't want to waste a day of our precious 11 days in Bali, with a hang over!

Lets just say I was just two steps away from not having a hang over!

I have learnt a few words in Balinese and the most loved one is that of the younger sibling 'Adik' which is my favourite name for Gary! 'A DICK!!!!'

We ended up in the Expresso bar a couple of doors down from the Minni bar. The band was pumping and we found a table down the back of the room and ordered dinks. I decided that I would just have a couple then get a cab home. Gary ordered Jam Jars for us all.
For those that don't know what a Jam Jar is... it is Arak, orange juice and I think a bit of Galliano, and it come in a HUGE container....something like a fish bowl! It is lethal!!!

I have had experience with Arak some years ago. I had partied at the Sari club drinking these giant fish bowl drinks. I must admit I had a ball talking to some German girls that didn't speak English and I didn't speak German but some how in my drunken state we conversed really well. But when I got back to my hotel I had to sit in the bath all night........... I was so sick I did projectile vomits ...all night!! So you would have thought I would know better!!!......

John was giggling and getting a few of the young local boys to come up and entice Coral and I to dance. Coral had, had a couple of drinks at the restaurant and she loves to sing and dance and did not hesitate to get up. I preferred to just sit and people watch.................that was until I had a couple more Jam Jars, then it was all over! The brain cells had run to the back of my head and were slowly drowning in Arak!!!! I was up and dancing with Coral and at one stage we were both singing with the band! Now I can NOT in any way sing! I do not even sing on the Karaoke machine that we have at home. But as I said the brain was gone and I was out of control!

Gary sat at the back of the room talking to John Wati and his new bride. He said he could hear someone singing 'Adddiccckkkkkk............Addddicckkk' ........Aaaadick!! Then he realized it was Coral and I. He was very proud of himself......He had sent his sister onto another planet!

We ended up across the road at a bar down stairs to the Bounty night club. We found a table and waited for the band to start playing. They had taped music playing, which was enough to set me off, I could not sit down and was dancing beside my chair. I didn't realize that we had more Jam Jars there, it was only after we looked at the pictures on the camera, the next day that it was evident we drank more!.
As I was going up to my new planet Coral was coming down.
I begged her to come up stairs to the Bounty where I could hear some good music playing. She reluctantly staggered up with me. Gary said he watched us walk through the crowd....I was still bopping away and Coral was walking behind me, looking like one of Marg Simpson's sisters.... stooped over with a fag in her hand.

The music was pumping and I was in my glory and started to dance.....Coral as usual had to go to the toilet so I just danced on my own. I was having a ball!! I was watching some young people up on the stage dancing.....so in my drunken state I decided that I would join them...........I was trying to climb up onto the stage when Coral grabbed the back of my jeans and dragged me down..........she was in a state of panic! She was freaking out...'there are too many people in here!' .....'its not safe!'..........'we have to go home!' 'NOW!!!!' 'Ooohhh Coral!'' I was just warming up!

But being a good little drunk I obeyed and went home............I think it was in a cab! Could have been a space ship for all I know! We got home at 3.15am so Coral tells me.......... I did however take lots of photos when we got home! Coral undressing...Coral on the loo..... Coral in Bed.....Coral with a stern face telling me to go to bed!!!!

Well as I giggled myself to sleep I thought how much I loved Bali! That was the end of a bloody brilliant day in Paradise!

Tomorrow ...........the Hangover! It's all ADIK'S fault!!!!!

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