Peed off

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Posted by Loz on Friday, 21. July 2006 at 16:26 Bali Time:

Today has been about the most frustrating day of my quite long life. It had to be the morning the the temp dropped to zero and all the plane parked at Tullamarine got a coating of ice on their wings. It started when the taxi ordered for 5 am arrived at 4 am, he came back later at 20 to 5. It meant we were put on an earlier flight, but alas they said the planes would not take off until the sun melted the ice. Passengers getting a connecting flight were sent mile across the terminal to book on a flight that would be the first to leave. Of coarse this meant our luggage was on the wrong plane and would not get to Bali until the next day. It did not matter because we left Melbourne at 8.30 and arrived at Sydney at 10.05, by the time we disembarked and caught the shuttle that runs every 10 min we arrive at International at 10.30. The flight to Bali left at 10.15, without us. Then the run around to ticketing and customer service. Two on the desk and a queue a mile long. It took 1 and a half hours for them to tell me we had to fly back to Melbourne and thankfully catch a direct flight next day. That is not the end of it. We then had to track down our luggage that was somewhere in the airport. Another half hour at luggage search then and hour and a half wait to get a flight to Melbourne. I would advise forumites not to take domestic flight to connect to international, if there is another alternative.
My report on Puri Raja will be posted on Sunday if those twits from Qantas pull their out and do their job. I will never criticize the Indonesians again for being slack, as our lot would play them on a break.

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