Big Bums... a promise...

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Posted by Pieboy on Monday, 10. July 2006 at 16:57 Bali Time:

In Reply to: Ibu Pie posted by Heatherbelle on Monday, 10. July 2006 at 14:49 Bali Time:

Hello all!

As you can well relate I'm suffering from a big dose of Post-Bali Blues... half-frozen, back at the office during the day and running the home business in the evening :-(

But... I have just sorted receipts and business cards and faithfully (or is that fatfully...) promise to write and post "Big Bums in Bali" this evening.

The only thing I love with a passion more than clothes shopping is Mr Pie... so my account of the outlets that we visited that sell plus size garments is straight from the heart!

Best start writing, huh?


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