Good places NEVER give discounts!

[ Bali Travel Forum ]

Posted by William Mayhew on August 12, 1997 at 21:46:46:

In Reply to: Discount Vouchers to the best places posted by jeff on August 11, 1997 at 02:43:00:

In my experience in travelling the world I have seen many discount vouchers, either sold seperately or as part of a book etc.

The fact is, really good places a) do not need to offer a discount because they have more customers than they can handle anyway, and b) they can not afford to give a discount as their products or services are reasonabably priced from the beginning. Wherever a discount is offered, it has been included in the initial asking price anyway, and the vendor thinks he needs a gimmick to sell his usually inferior goods!

Therefore, experienced travellers (or customers) appreciate these Discount Vouchers -- looking who is offering them tells you exactly where NOT to go!

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