Diego Bali Dog

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Posted by Bin Lurkin on Saturday, 3. November 2012 at 10:08 Bali Time:


It is seldom, nowadays, that the poor, bony, diseased dogs of yesteryear are to be seen. Well-fed animals are now on display and indeed in far lesser numbers than in previous years. Most of them are collared and are clearly in the care of responsible people.

They like to meet on the beach, in the evening, just like us tourists are wont to do.
From time to time, re-negotiations of territorial claims ensue in full snarl and scuffle, much to the omigod shock-horror of certain 5-star visitors who temporarily bless us with their transient presence.

100 metres north or south of S&S's is the territory of one 'Diego' who is owned by Ketut the esky man to the south. On the other hand there are those who aver that Ketut is owned by Diego and certainly does not have some of Ketut's problems which stem from being a rather handsome Balinese, a Surfer from pre-teens, skin a shade of browner gold than usual from exposure, hair streaked in gold also in a manner that brings many a Western lady to his feet. Nuff said.

Diego is a black and grey medium-sized, chunky bitzer that never fights. His territory is never in dispute. He likes the odd touristic pat, ruffle or stroke or even a snuggle if it is windy. One evening when it was quite windy, both Ketut and S&S being at Temple, Diego patronised the bar 100 metres to the north owned by Wayan. There, under the esky table, having performed his circular ritual in order to ensure correct feng shui, he commenced to dig a hole, Diego-size to a depth of 60cm until all that was occasionally visible was his snoot which would appear to scan the beach, the surf, the wind, maybe having the odd canine perve upon the doggie delightfuls on parade. A bit of a showpony really, our Diego, hence his full name Maradonna.

Sometimes, at mad dogs and Englihmen time, he will deign to share the shade of someone's beach umbrella which the tourist has rented, complete with sun lounge, for the day. He cosies up to target tourist in a most affectionate way, as the sun moves pushing the tourist along so that he, Diego, owner in residence, may have the full shade to which he dogologically feels entitled : if the tourist gets sunburnt, toughski for him or her. Diego Rules.

What a life. What a dog.

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