Today's the day

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Posted by frequent_visitor on Saturday, 3. November 2012 at 01:04 Bali Time:

I set the alarm for 6 am,went to sleep nice and early around 9 pm and low and behold, i stir and look at the clock and it's 3 am, excitement kicks in, and can't go back to sleep, so get up go to the loo, then make myself a cuppa, and get back into bed and watch friday's episode of home and away on my laptop, once finished check the airport's website to make sure flight is still departing at right time. that done, get up and do last minute checks of contents in suitcase, and also in hand luggage, got tickets,money, passport, departure card filled in, iphone charged,check bali sim card, ohhhhhhhh still valid, woo hooooooo, just needs a bit of a top up just i get there, so all i have to do now is pack up my laptop and head for the airport......
Bali here i come for a whole 2 weeks............(not 1)something i have NEVER done..........longest i've stayed is 8 days..........

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